Nandrorapid (vial)

Nandrorapid (vial)


Substance: Nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP)
Package: 10ml vial (100mg / ml)

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Buy Nandrorapid (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) in UK

NandroRapid – is a powerful enough anabolic drug in the course of exhibiting the minimum of side effects. At the same time the positive qualities of this steroid are many and useful for both experienced and novice athletes, who are not familiar with the world of sports pharmacology: the drug increases the synthesis of proteins, increases the concentration of red blood cells, strengthens the immune system, bone structure, and so on. Thats why NandroRapid is one of the most powerful drugs, which you can buy online in UK.

Steroid used mainly in sports practice, bodybuilding, for a set of muscle mass and strengthening the body. However, he has a different purpose. In particular, due to the ability to increase the strength of bones and ligaments it can be effectively used in medicine, for example, to prevent osteoporosis and other diseases.

Nandrorapid (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) Online Price UK

More recently, the Alfa Pharma company has implemented a check on the authenticity of the product. This system is based on the introduction of a verification code on the official website. Code of preparation can be found on the blister or, if the tablets or a bank, if the injectable form (found under the protective layer on the label). However, please note that this protection system has only recently been added, that is, it is not the drug previously parties in UK.

The basis of this is a powerful anabolic steroid Nandrolone Phenylpropionate, showing a mild androgenic effects. This is a modification of Nandrolone, it is small and lasts about 3-5 days.

Nandrolone Phenylpropionate ethereal chain, and, accordingly, NandroRapid drug 2 times lower than that of nandrolone decanoate, and as a result lower. That is why the active ingredient steroid is rapidly absorbed into the blood and has less exposure time on the human body. This same property of the active ingredient and to form other distinctive features of the formulation. First, a short period of exposure substantially reduces the risk of side effects. Second, it reduces the recovery time of testosterone after the course. Third, in case of side effects or poor tolerability the course can be stopped and all adverse reactions disappear.

Nandrorapid (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) Positive Effects

The NandroRapid course has multiple positive aspects, among which are the following properties and effects:

• Increase protein synthesis and decrease cell loss protein, which provides powerful muscle growth;

• Strengthen the bone structure of the body, ligaments and joints due to calcium retardation in the body and further collagen synthesis;

• Anti-inflammatory effects, reflects the elimination of joint pain;nbsp;

• Increased concentration of red blood cells;

• Increase the bodys immune defense.

Side Effects Nandrorapid (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate)

NandroRapid preparation not only have positive effects, but also side effects. In particular, the drug can provoke the following ailments and abnormalities in the body rash, headache, rhinitis (runny nose), back pain, a slight decrease in natural testosterone production.

But the main drawback of this steroid is not the side effects, and the progestogenic activity of the drug and its effects. For example, when using the maximum recommended dose of this anabolic, despite the almost complete absence of flavorings, fluid retention, gynecomastia and increased body fat can occur. To mitigate these side effects the athlete can use anti-estrogens, such as Clomid or Tamoxifen.

There is also a downside to NandroRapid include the following features: the need for frequent administration of steroids (every 2-3 days) and the inability to use the competition first. First of all it is explained in a short shelf-life of the active substance, the second in the long excretion of the metabolites of the active substance from the body (16-18 months).

Nandrorapid (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) Dosage

Application NandroRapid women is also justified, as its use by men. During its reception it is easy to avoid virilization phenomena (an increase in the size of the clitoris, an increase in the voice, excessive growth of body hair, etc.), And thus, this steroid can effectively use the fair sex. The recommended dosage for women – 50-100 mg per week, there are cases of use and large doses – about 50-100 mg every 3 days.

Important: Storage must be done in sunlight, out of the reach of children.

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