


Substance: Oxandrolone (Anavar)
Package: 10mg (50 pills)

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Buy Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) in UK

Oxanabol from Alpha drug based oral steroid, oxandrolone. It was originally designed for children and women, and therefore has the body is quite soft impact. For the first time on the pharmacological market in Europe, oxandrolone did not appear in 1964. It was developed by the company Searle Co to revive growth in patients suffering from osteoporosis. In medicine, the drug is also used for tissue and skin repair after burns, strengthening ligaments and bones, anemia and Turner syndrome.

Synthetic steroid A-Heterocyclic ring and the carbon atom replaced by a hydrogen atom. High anabolic index along with minimal androgenic activity (only 25% of testosterone) Oxandrolone interactions favorite athletes. It has virtually no effect on muscle growth, but it greatly increases the speed of strength performance.

Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) Positive Effects

How to take oksanabol set of lean muscle mass.

A significant increase in power rates.

Stimulation of fat burning.

Increased secretion of growth hormone (somatotropin).

Oxandrolone structurally similar to dihydrotestosterone, or rather its derivative is added with an oxygen atom in place of carbon in the second position. Due to this very high anabolic Oxanabol (4 times higher than testosterone) and low androgen (testosterone quarter of activity).

Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) Dosage

Oxanabol course gimmick to increase muscle relief. Using oxandrolone weight alone is totally ineffective. The total duration of steroids ranges from 6 to 8 weeks. It is advisable to adhere to the regime shift: you should start with a dose of 20 milligrams, in fact, gradually increasing to 80 milligrams, divided into three phases. In no case should not download a large number of oxandrolone immediately: hormonal jump jumps do not bode well.

For athletes enough 10 to 20 milligrams oxanabol per day for 6 weeks. In fact, you can also increase the dosage given that oxandrolone is a very safe UK steroid. The course drug can be combined with testosterone, Primobolan, and Sustanon. This is not only to increase the effect, but also to avoid possible side effects. Do not exceed the dosage is 40 milligrams Oxanabol if he is not the only oral steroid on the course. Take sports nutrition and follow a diet to get the most benefit from steroids.

Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) Side Effects

Reviews Oxabol (Oxandrolone) is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone and therefore does not cause aromatization. But, as with any anabolic steroid, excessively high doses can be harmful to the body. Although side effects from Oxanabol such as liver damage, loss of appetite, headaches and sexual disorders are extremely rare, but that cannot be completely ruled out. At high doses of steroids should take FCT Tamoxifen: Take 10 mg of the drug per day, and for one or two weeks, the bodys production of testosterone, fully restored.

Oxanabol (Oxandrolone) Online Price UK

Most often leave reviews about Oxanabol – athletes. It makes sense, because who, if not them, need a drug that provides a significant improvement in speed and endurance, without increasing muscle mass. Almost all athletes are happy with Alfa farmas product. It noted, softness of the drug, the ability to dry the muscles and the absence of side effects.

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