Buy Restaver (Testosterone Undecanoat) in UK
Restaver is one of the few new steroids developed in recent years. Unlike most anabolic steroids, which were put on the market as early as the 1950s and 1960s (and some have still been withdrawn), there are only Restaver since the early 1980s. This situation could explain why Restaver holds a particular position among UK steroids. Restaver is a revolutionary steroid, because in addition to methyltestosterone it is only an effective oral preparation testosteronovm. Testosterone itself loses efficiency during oral use because it is absorbed through the portal vein and quickly inactivated by the liver.
Restaver (Testosterone Undecanoat) Positive Effects
The active ingredient contained in Restaver Testosterone Undecanoat is absorbed from the intestine into the lymphatic system, without passing through the liver. This fact causes its efficiency even in oral application. Liver function is not affected. Testosterone is Undecanoat ester of natural androgenic fatty acids testosterone in the body is largely converted into dihydrotestosterone – metabolite of testosterone. Therefore Restaver aromatizes at least, which is a very small part of the active substance capable of converting into estrogen, such as nearomatizuje dihydrotestosterone (only with prolonged use of high doses).
Restaver (Testosterone Undecanoat) Online Price UK
Restaver has only a small inhibitory effect on the hypothalamus, which affects the secretion of LHRH (Luteinizing Hormone Releasing Hormone) is completely negligible. Testosterone undecanoat in the body very rapidly degraded and excreted in the urine. The capsules are therefore only effective for a couple of hours. Women should resign Restaver, because also in this preparation (like testosterone) are strongly represented androgenic component. Potential negative effects of using Restaver UK can be high blood pressure, water retention, acne, excessive sexual stimulation in women known to be virilizing.
Restaver should be stored cold (6-15C), preferably in the refrigerator. The capsules have very low resistance to heat and in contact with sunlight.
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